A Fantastic Benefit for Those Who Have Served Our Country

Serving our country is one of the most patriotic acts an American can do — and the VA Home Loan Benefit is just one of many benefits afforded to veterans and those in active duty.

A VA Home Loan is a true 0% downpayment loan program. The lending guidelines allow many flexibilities not offered by any other program, including:

But who exactly qualifies for a VA loan?

While there are many parts of the country that have military bases and thus a larger pool of active military personnel, there are many more eligible discharged service members and active national guardsmen right here in Chicagoland who don’t even know these benefits exist.

Not every lender understands the flexibility of VA lending, but partnering with Key Mortgage will ensure your clients are getting accurate and consultative information to help them achieve homeownership.

Reach out to one of our loan officers today to learn more!
