Why a Second Opinion from Key Mortgage Matters!

Why wouldn’t a buyer want every advantage they can get?

As an agent, you know you should never take a client out to see a home without a preapproval – and with today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to pull out your phone and produce a preapproval letter! They look great and are easy to access — what more could you or your client want? Easy answer — A LOT MORE.

A computer program can do a basic equation to figure out how much your client can afford based on numbers — but it doesn’t take into account many more factors that are important to buyers. It can’t take into consideration their personal comfort level with monthly payments, their long or short-term financial goals or the other expenses they may have in their lives. These are things only a real human being can factor into the recommendation.

When you introduce your client to us, your clients get more than just numbers — they get a pre-purchase consultation that incorporates not only dollars and cents but also their goals and comfort level. We get to know the whole person and work to find a financing solution that works for them as individuals. And ultimately, that means you have a confident and secure homebuyer. Plus, you get a team of professionals at Key Mortgage who have your back while delivering a great experience to your client.

Oh, they get $250 through our Second Look program!

So why wouldn’t everyone want to take advantage of this? There are some myths out there that put borrowers off from taking advantage of a second opinion from a lender. Let’s tackle them together:

  • “My credit score will take a hit” — FALSE! We can issue a soft pull credit report and utilize automated underwriting to get a full look at credit history and ensure the loan meets underwriting standards
  • “It will take up too much time” — FALSE! – Our simple and secure online application portal, glyde, takes just minutes to complete and provides clients ease and access to income and assets verification eliminating their need to dig for documents.
  • “The outcome won’t change; I’m well qualified” — TRUE, BUT… will they have a team on your side, who can make the whole process more transparent and seamless so clients get an even easier, happier experience?

Want to put a preapproval on steroids and make it stand out? Leverage our SecureShop preapproval, which is a fully underwritten preapproval by an actual underwriter only subject to securing a property. Who doesn’t want to gain every advantage available to them?

Not sure how to tackle that “I already have a preapproval” response from your client? No problem, we’ve got you! We have some easy ways to counter that and get them excited about the opportunity. Reach out to a Key Mortgage loan officer today!
